There is a recurring theme emerging when I go fishing these days. I turn up at dawn, put some bait in, tackle up and cast in. Bites come quickly until I catch one then it goes dead. I drive 45 minutes to get there. Fish effectively for an hour if I'm very lucky then just sit around drinking coffee and pissing in the hedge.
Not that long ago, in the same place, I was catching half a dozen nice fish before it died a death. They were feeding well for an hour or more but that, even then, was that. Why? Few fish, nervous fish, not very hungry fish or am I just useless? I only ask because the tube is rife with videos of match anglers catching nets of fish from canals. during the day, while can only manage a few odd'uns. I suppose it's all about technique and feeding, it usually is in fishing. Anyway my bird watching is coming on, I saw half a dozen waxwings this morning. Even then I managed to scare them off reaching for the camera.
Come to think of it, I've always likened the feeding behaviour of fish to that of birds. Imagine hooking one sparrow from within a feeding flock. How long would the rest hang around? It's not unusual for our garden birds to descend on the feeders at first light and then spend the rest of the morning sitting around doing their hair. I'd be fishing for a lot fewer sparrows mid morning. Maybe that's just life.
Interesting thought that